Safety Standards

Our commitment to safe and incident-free flights.

As a crew of professionally licensed drone pilots, we're committed to upholding a high level of safety at all times.

That standard extends to our ground crew, our work sites, our equipment, and any person or structure we may interact with during a flight mission.

A safe flight is a successful flight.

1. We are licensed drone pilots.

Drone photography and videography are relatively new professional services. As such, many people aren't aware you need a license to conduct commercial drone operations.

The licensure process includes:

  • 15+ hours of training around aeronautical procedures.
  • A proctored, written exam at an FAA testing facility.
  • An application and background check with the FAA.

Upon completion of all steps, we were given a Part 107 license allowing us to commercial operate drones. This also gives us additional flexibility when shooting, such as the ability to request clearance in areas recreational pilots can't use (eg, downtown Madison).

2. We take recurrent tests.

The licensure process doesn't end after the license is given. Professional drone pilots must take recurrent exams through the FAA every 24 calendar months.

This exam allow us to stay current on our licenses as well as up to date on new or revised drone regulations.

3. We are up to date on drone regulations.

Drone laws are frequently changing and professional pilots have to stay current on those regulations.

These regulations include new safety standards and expectations, updated restrictions and air classes, and more.

Every month, our team reads these new regulations and adjusts our processes and systems accordingly.

4. We use safe, current equipment.

As technology and regulations change and evolve, drone manufacturers release new equipment to keep up with these changes. Our team invests in this equipment to ensure safety and efficiency for all flights.

Current equipment safety features might include:

  • Updated automated obstacle avoidance.
  • Increased propeller and motor efficiency.
  • Enhanced transmission distance for video feeds.

5. We keep thorough flight logs.

Logging flights serves a few different purposes. Primarily, it helps us keep records for all flights, deviations from flight plans, and other elements of flight missions that might effect safety.

Flight logs also help us take notes of maintenance needs (eg, a broken propeller or depleted battery) to ensure these needs are addressed prior to our next flight.

6. We use a Risk Management System.

A Risk Management Systems helps our pilots make smart, pre-determined decisions when it comes to managing and mitigating risk.

We categorize risk into one of three categories: acceptable, acceptable with mitigation, and unacceptable. Here are examples of each.

  1. Acceptable: Any risk that has a low likelihood of occurrence and a low level of severity. An example might be flying with a slight overcast or with light wind.
  2. Acceptable with Mitigation: Any risk that might need some additional mitigation to minimize it's effects. For example, instead of photographing a school where children might be present, we may schedule the mission for a Saturday to mitigate the risk.
  3. Unacceptable: Any highly likely risk that put the crew, equipment, structures, or bystanders in danger. The flight will be canceled or revised. This might include flying in a thunderstorm, etc.


We know safety isn't overly flashy, but it's important. While our team will create stunning shots using aerial equipment, we must do so safely.

If you have any questions about our safety standards, please email us at or ask the pilot at your next shoot.